Thursday, November 17, 2011


Dear Friends,
It happend.
I'm going to the most magical place that ever existed.
Ok so thats not true but it was still pretty awesome. Loretta and I found out that after our week in Lapwai we would have an unbooked week to do/go wherever we wanted. Now since we are near Loretta's home she naturally went home for her week off. I however did not have that luxury. I miss my family, friends, dog and hometown every single day. It's the one thing about this job that I'm not fond of especially since all of these are on the other side of the country. Don't fret for me just yet lovely readers. Later during our week off my brother was/is getting married and I had a ticket from Spokane, Wa to Orlando, Florida. Although I wouldn't be able to see them for a whole week or go home (which would be silly since my family wouldn't be there and that would screw up my plane ticket) I WOULD be able to see them for about 48 hours, in sunny Florida. Not long enough but I'll take it.

What to do in Washington??? Loretta's boyfriend Cole and his roomate David were kind enough to offer letting me sleep on their couch but after a night or two I knew my heart would long for a bed. So that means I would have to get a hotel. Ok. Where? Spokane? I could be good to go for when I leave later that week for the wedding. Uhh sure I could do that. It seems kind of boring though. What can I do in Washington? Where's somewhere fun that I'll never get to go again?
Then it hit me.


Believe it or not this thought didn't hit me until a day or so later after we found out our week was unbooked.
For those who do not know, Forks, Washington is where the Twilight Series takes place. It is not where the movie was filmed but its always cool to go places that are written about in books. Another place I would like to visit is Verona, Italy the place where the star-crossed lovers met: Romeo and Juliet.
Nooooow. How to get there.....
Well Forks is actually not the easiest place to get to without a car. Forks doesn't have an airport. The bus doesn't actually go to Forks; it takes you part of the way. The rest of the way you have to walk or get on another type of bus. :( Forget taking the train. WHATS A GILL TO DO??? After going over all my options and then repeating, I got desperate but mostly curious. I figured I could at least ask.
I called Gordon, the "Truck Guy".

Gordon is in charge of the Ford F150's that we all drive around in. After explaining my dilemma to Gordon, he being the sweetest man in the world (next to my Dad of course) said I could go!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!! Of course I'd have to pay for the gas and pay 50 cent for every mile over 500 miles used but thats SOOO much more cheaper than a rental car. Believe me, I considered it. Also Gordon asked that I not spread this around that he was letting me go. He probably doesn't want fellow TAD's to get jealous about my trip to Forks. Ha! So Mums the word.

As I looked over places to stay and things to do I found that this trip would take a few things off my bucket list. The obvious one, going to Forks. Another one was horse back riding. When I was little I would always go to this camp over the summer and go horse back riding and I LOVED it. I have been dying to go again. I thought when we were in Texas over the summer I would be able to but I was wrong. I found this group in Forks that did horse back riding all throughout the National Parks up there and I was soooo stoked! On top of that it was pretty sweet deal. YES!

Also I have always wanted to stay at a Bed and Breakfast. I thought that they seemed so fun but I figured honeymooners were the only ones that were aloud to go. Wrong. My friends Shaun, Micah and Allison went to Ireland last summer and stayed at a bunch of B&B's and hearing about their adventures made me want to go to one that much more.

SO recap. I'm going to Forks. I don't have to walk there. I'm staying at a Bed and Breakfast. Yes, I'm doing the nerdy Twilight Tour and I'm also spending the days in the beautiful outdoors riding a horse.

Gordon made my dreams come true. :D

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