Friday, November 18, 2011

Twilight Tour

Hello Friends,
I woke up the next morning and I was feeling good. My bum was a little sore but even that couldn't get me down because today was the BIG day. 
Twilight Tour
Hahaha! I was so excited to go explore and take silly pictures all day. I went into it knowing that it would be cheesy so I was prepared for the worst. Luckily I like cheesy. :) I strolled downstairs, being extra careful this time so I wouldn't make a graaand entrance like the day before and I helped myself to some delightful strawberries and orange juice while I waited for the main course. Breakfast was Emmett's Eggs Benedict. They must have known we were all about to go on the tour. Now I've had Eggs Benedict before and I have to say I did not like it. However, I had never had Emmett's version. It was DELICIOUS, just like the pumpkin pancakes, I tried to eat it all but I just couldn't. :(

After breakfast I headed upstairs to get ready for the tour. Gotta look nice, loads of pictures would be taken. I met up with the Twilight Tour and I was delighted to see my fellow Bed and Breakfasters. What was even better was all the ladies were the age of 50 or higher. Hahah Love it!!! I also found out that some people had come all the way from Finland, Australia, Europe as well as the city of Chicago. This made me feel better about myself. I was surrounded by fellow obsessive Twilight lovers.

The tour began and for some reason the tour guide (Randy) decided to pick on me the entire time. Probably because everyone else was old. H e constantly was trying to get me to take pics with all the cardboard cut outs. Now I will admit I did agree to a few because I thought they would be fun but I put my foot down when he suggested to take one with Jacob. That is where I draw the line. Needless to say he learned his lesson and never brought up Jacob again. Haha!!!

I loved all the places we went. We stopped by Forks High School, The Police Station, The Cullen House (my Bed and Breakfast), The Forks Hospital, Bellas truck, Bella's House, The Quileute Treaty Line, Jacob's House, and my favorite LaPush beach. Now for those of you who don't know the movies were not actually filmed in Forks, its merely the place Stephanie Meyer set the stories. She actually never visited the area but you would never know it because her books describe everything in such perfect detail as if she did. Like I said, LaPush was my favorite part of the tour. Don't get me wrong I loved every nerdy moment about the tour especially making new friends but LaPush was just so beautiful. I have never been to a beach that looked like this. I was very much used to Puerto Rica or the Bahamas where the ocean is teal and the sand felt like walking on flour; LaPush was different. LaPush had giant trees washed up onto the shore and the sand wasn't really sand but smooth rocks. LaPush was also on Native American lands and one of the islands on the far right was considered to be holy land by the Quileute tribe for burying their past Chiefs. Very cool.

Fun Fact: In the movie the Cullen house is actually the house that belongs to the founder of Nike.

I mentioned in my previous blog that Forks used to be mainly known for being the logging capital of the world but due to bad economy and possible extinction of the spotted owl, Forks hasn't been doing too well. Then Twilight happend. Ever since then people have flocked to see the famous Quileute Territory and the Cullens hunting ground. I feel like I helped the economy in some small way. . . . .

After a long day I went to this local restaurant called Sullys. It kind of reminded me of Dairy Freeze in Gretna. Sullys is known for their famous Bella Burger but I got a cheeseburger instead. :D  As I relaxed in my room, I sipped my Apple Cidar and watched another movie.
I was content.

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