As I sipped my free coffee, Tyler swooped in and whispered in my ear that Leann Rimes was in the restaurant.
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He then told me I HAD to keep it cool because if I went up to her and asked for a picture that security would kick me out. The restaurant/hotel prides itself on the Star's privacy.
My response: OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so she's not Justin Timberlake whom I was HOPING to just run into BUT I love Leann Rimes! When I was little I used to have all her CD's on Cassette (old school) and then I would sing all her songs to this Karokee Cassette that my brother ALWAYS stole from me and hide in the house. Rude. Real Rude. Sooo being in her presense and NOT talk to her was like asking a fat lady to not eat Girl Scout Cookies.
I will say that I was very cool. I went to the bar (as instructed by Tyler) and sat within a few feet from her while I talked with the handsome bartender. I didn't get a drink, I didn't want Leann thinking I was a Lush and it not even be noon yet. Can't have that. Haha! Nathan was the bartender and he was a very nice boy. He told me about his background in dance and TV (he appeared on shows like Greys Anatomy, House, CSI: Las Vegas to name a few) and asked about my job. He seemed impressed that I was a WORKING actor. Score!

Leann Rimes was in the same bathroom as me, primping in the mirror and when I walked in she smiled at me.
I tried to play it cool by acting like I didn't really know who she was while I walked towards the stall but I've NEVER had such a serious inner monologue war go on in my head.
Mind 1: Be cool.
Mind 2: HOLY COW!
Mind 1: She's just a normal person, just like you.
Mind 2: HOLY COW!
Mind 1: Don't. Don't! Your gonna get us kicked out.
Mind 2: I'm never gonna see her again OR have this opportunity. I HAVE to say something!
Mind 1: DON'T!
Mind 2: We're in the Bathroom, no security guards here.
Mind 1: True...
Mind 2: Pleeeeease!
Mind 1: I guess it wouldn't.....
Before I knew it I was talking to her. I don't even remember what I said but it was something along the lines of introducing myself, (she shook my hand!), telling her that I have always loved her music, (she said thank you) and that I just had to tell her that. She was so KIND! She said thank you again and wished me to have a good rest of the day and we parted ways. Its a good thing I was in the bathroom, I might have peed all over myself.
I went back to the bar where I saw Tyler and Nathan the bartender and I was in a word Star-struck. I had just met one of my childhood idols. Never once did I dream that I would meet her. All that time of me singing her songs in my room to a hairbrush, knowing every word of every song, the Lord knew that I would one day meet her.
I am in complete awe.
Once Tyler got off work, we headed to the Promenade where we got some Greek food. It was sooo yummy! As we perused the little shopping area, Tyler and I stopped to listen to this one girl sing. Her name is Amy May and she was set up on the sidewalk just singing her heart away. I actually really liked her. Look her up on facebook. She has a very chill-acoustic flavor which I just love. Tyler mentioned possibly going and seeing a movie. I mentioned Breaking Dawn half kidding half serious and wouldn't you believe it, he said YES!
So recap:
1. Met Leann Rimes
2. Put my feet in the Pacific Ocean
3. Walked along the Promenade
4. Saw Breaking Dawn
5. Hung out with my good friend Tyler
Los Angeles is called the City of Dreams for a reason, five reasons for me and it's only the FIRST DAY!!!!!!
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