Our week in Arvada, Colorado was so fun! Loretta and I were staying with this wonderful family and we had their whole basement apartment to ourselves. I had the room with all the game stuff like air hockey, fooze ball, and pinball. It was pretty sweet and we also had free Netflix. Our first night we stayed up and watched Dirty Dancing. We did have early early improv workshops that week which waking up that early always stinks but once we started the workshops with the kids, it was fun. Some of these kids were SO creative! I feel like my improv skills have improved so much since last May -no more cheap laughs for this Gill. I'm an artist. HA! These kids though had me beat. Some of the stuff they came up with I would have NEVER thought of. They were so creative!
We also had a great cast that week, younger than our usual cast but they did awesome. Our contact stressed us out a little that week but the kids made it soooo worth it. We constantly were told how much fun the kids were having which is all that matters. I recieved two bouquets of flowers and some roses after the second show which made me feel so loved. They didn't have to do that but I definitely appreciated it. I love flowers! I feel like a girl when I get them. As awesome as the kids and our homestay were that week what made Arvada so awesome was who we hung out with outside of rehearsals. None other than Kelly and Nicole, our TAD besties!
On Monday we met up with them at Olive Garden for lunch. They were only 15 minutes away and it was a wonderful reunion. Normally we have the afternoons off but on Wednesday the school had a 1/2 day so we had our rehearsal earlier that day. Once we finished our rehearsal we headed to Kelly and Nicole's to do a mock Evaluation. Loretta and I wore our Missoula Children's Theatre name tags and glasses so we would look professional. It worked. Loretta and I sat in the audience and evaluated them making fake aweful notes on our notebooks. I got up on stage and started randomly measuring things like the piano, the size of "the walls" they set up for rehearsal which was made of chairs, things backstage, and the set poles. Missoula doesn't actually do this but I was ruthless and very thorough. Nothing gets by me. We also "interviewed" their Cast Members (one of the kids played our Red Knight in Northglenn) and Assistant Directors with questions like how much they thought Kelly and Nicole weighed put together and if they needed more pixie stix. Again, we were ruthless. . .
I wasn't. I was focused on the task at hand. Hahah!
After the evaluation, we all went out for mexican and Karokee. Now I had never sang karokee by myself. What usually happens is I go up with a group of girls and sing a typical "girl song" like Lady Marmalade. I get nervous. I don't want to be the person that goes up there and sings the one song that ruins the Karokee mood. Usually Mariah Carey songs were people try to show off. It never works. I was excited but I didn't realize I was going with Karokee professionals!!!! They each had a list of songs that they ALWAYS sing and they were all awesome songs that they sang so well! I have talented friends. Not only did that intimidate me but the book of song choices was as thick as it was tall. Now I wasn't just intimidated, I was overwhelmed.
On Sunday, I actually got to go to church with my homestay family which was super fun. It was no Thomas Road but it was definitely refreshing. Then afterwards we had yummy pizza with them before we hit the road for Sidney, Nebraska. Apparently, Nebraska has "The Good Life". I'll be the judge of THAT.
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