After a wonderful week in Arvada, Colorado Loretta and I were headed to Sidney, Nebraska. The state sign says that Nebraska has "The Good Life". Well to that I would like to say if thats true, no thank you. We were staying with a homestay who just so happend to be our Contact for the week (the people who brought us in for the week). It was an interesting week for sure! Our Contact/Homestay just so happend to be an Ex-Model so that was kinda neat. The husband also informed Loretta and I that he was the CEO of Cabellas which is a really big franchise of hunting stores.
Their house was huge.
That week we faced a few challenges, some of them I can not mention but this week we both learned to just smile and nod then move on to something else. We're Pros so little things don't affect us like they used too. It's Team JeLo all the way! Us against the world. The big issue was snow. Now I'll admit, I was getting a little cocky when snow was ever brought up in conversation or when the home office would send us emails in what to do if snow affected the show or rehearsals. I mean I would read the emails and all. I'm not dumb. I wanna be informed but honestly whenever snow was in the forecast it would either never happen or we'd drive outta there before it hit. Not this week.
...and waited
Finally around noon the day we were SUPPOSED to have two shows (in the morning) a flake began to fall and before we knew it there was a light powder. We still could've had the shows before the snow but oh well! That day the homestay's son and I went out and built snow people, had a snow war with the neighbors and then topped it off with hot cocoa. The rest of the day I slept, I was getting sick already and going out in the snow probably wasn't the BEST idea. Then that night I watched Footloose. Good Day!
The next day we had show and our homestay proved pizza for everyone. I however had completely lost my voice. :( Thankfully it wasn't my week to perform. :) We packed up the set and then headed out the next morning. Yes this week was full of little bumps but what made it nice was there was a cute little coffe store just down the road and our homestay told us that whenever we went in thereto put it on HER account.
I got all these free Jet Teas (smoothies) and yummy soups. YEA! The Jet Teas had fun names. My favorites were the Edward Cullen, Super Mario and a Funky Monkey. :) Getting all these for free was kind of what made Sidney awesome. Would I go that far for a Jet Tea? Probably not but it's nice to know that its there. :) On our way back to Colorado, Fort Collins to be exact Loretta and I made a video about this past weeks Road Warrior which went into SPECIFIC details about hygeine. We think we're funny. We also saw the holiest sight ever. Mary. Hahah! We drove by this like 30 foot Mary Shrine. It was soooooo weird! We just had to get a picture! It however was not in Nebraska but in Colorado. So I guess Nebraska has "The Good Life"...a life of SIN.
Just kidding!
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