Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jam Packed

Hi Friends!
Ohhh Dad!
This Christmas break was jam packed with friends and family. It was soooo nice and refreshing to see everyone. Although I didn't get to see Allison, she's in Italy. However, next time I see her which will be in May you best believe that there will be fits of giggles and squeals to be had. When I first got home I must have hugged my Dad every 5 seconds. I missed him a lot. He was so funny he must think I don't eat on the road because every meal was like a five course meal at our house. He would fix the main entre and then 4 differnet sides (no I'm not exaggerating) and then a dessert. Good grief! I didn't mind it though; I was raised to never to turn down a free meal esp. if its homemade. :) Needless to say I needed to do a bunch of situps by the end of Christmas break.

I also got to see A LOT of my friends. YEAA!!!!! I got to hang out with my Gill Micah one of the first nights I was home. We went to Geralds-it's kind of our place and then we went to The Muse for some yummy coffee and to continue in our catching up convo's. I also went to an audition in West Virginia and while I was there I hung out with Andy Harvey for a little bit. I just love that guy. He's always been so sweet and fun.

Later on in the week I got to go visit one of my very best Gills Rebekah at Barter Theatre in Abingdon, Va. I actually got to see her show and see what a normal day for her is as a Barter Player. She is a pro. I don't think I could do her job it seems nuts but she's learning so much so I envy her and all her hardwork. Then I got to see her and the other Barter Players do their final dress of Romeo and Juliet before they went out on the road. All six of them played all the roles and I thought the show was just awesome. After that I got to have a little slumber party with Rebekah and we caught up on life, our jobs and of course BOYS! Haha! It was definitely a fun night. :)

Also during Christmas break I got to go to the Shortpump mall with my Dad (its a little Christmas tradish we have) and while we were there we stopped at Red Robin and had lunch with my good friend Courtney and her fiancee Danny. It was definitely nice to catch up with them. I MISS MY COURTNEY! As the break went on I got to see Shaun a lot, he's such a good friend. I also hung out with Sarah and Micah for a little gift exchange and Gill time. Gill time is just the best thing in the whole wide woyld.

I even got to catch up with some highschool friends (Kristin, Brittney and Rachel). The day started off with a little one on one lunch with Kristin's Mom at Red Lobster. It was so fun to catch up with her. She's one of the nicest ladies I know. I then met up with the girls for some bowling and afterwards some Starbucks. With our coffee's in hand we went to see what kind of trouble we could get into. After driving up and down Wards road, we ended up just sitting in Brittney's car catching up infront of the Christian Bookstore. We know how to party. Hahaha! Later that same night I went to Kathy's for dinner and game night with a bunch of friends from the Living Christmas Tree. I would just like to announce to everyone that I won the game "Pit". Well how Jennifer did you win "Pit"? Well I will tell you curious reader. It was because I was the loudest and most obnoxious one. Surprise! hahah!

For my very last day in the burg I had breakfast and coffee at Starbucks with the lovely Diane Belmont. I also got to see Meme for a bit while we were there!!! I then headed home. I needed to do some serious packing and then that night I had one last hangout with Micah and Josh at Starbucks. I just love them both. They are such wonderful people and I can't wait for their wedding in May!!!!
-Did you catch that I went to Starbucks twice in one day? Nope. I don't have a problem. :)

As you can see I had a busy two weeks and when I wasn't hanging out with friends I was at home with my Dad. After reading this you may think well how did she have time to do ALL of that, read the 4th Harry Potter book, relax, ANND  have Christmas???? Well my friends the answer to that is simple.

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