Hi Friends!
So I told you all about who I got to see while at home but I didn't tell you anything about my actual Christmas holiday. Christmas Eve was a wondaful day. I got to sleep in and wake up with my little dog Gretel curled up beside me. She's just so cute and loving!!!!! I then ate breakfast with Dad and started to get ready for the day. On Christmas Eve we always have a little tradition; we go to Grandma's house!!!! Grandma likes to cook us a Christmas Eve lunch that usually consists of the same items: ham, potato salad, mashed potatos, beets, green bean casserole, cornbread, and some kind of jello salad. She added something new this year. It was some kind of poppy seed dessert that smelled and tasted kinda weird so I stuck with the usual dessert of peach cobler and vanilla ice-cream. I always help Grandma clean up the kitchen while Dad either watches TV or goes outside on the porch. We then open presents.
Grandma ALWAYS gets Gretel all kinds of toys and Gretel ALWAYS gets her presents first. Am I bitter? Maybe. . . Now what Grandma gets me for Christmas is part of the tradition as well. It usually consists of socks, deodorant and a box of cherry cordials, all very nice "Grandma" type of gifts. Ha! She also got me some purple fleece pajamas with little dogs on them which I am wearing at this EXACT moment. :) After all the presents are passed around, my Dad and I hang out for a little bit with Grandma. After listening to Grandma's usual discussion of whose dead or in the hospital, my Dad and I head to the Thomas Road Baptist Church Christmas Eve Service.
I love Thomas Road. I really miss my church family and seeing all the usual friendly faces. Theres this one Usher we know and see everytime we go there and he always gives me a big hug, asks me about my job, and we all have small talk for a few minutes. He's such a sweet man. The Christmas Eve Service is always really chill, they sing Christmas songs, have all the kids come up front and sing (I couldn't stop laughing at the two little ones tackling each other up front) and then Pastor Jonathan gets up there and does a short little sermon. It was so nice to see so many friends there. Dad and I were trying to avoid the mass crowd in the hallway so we cut through the church and ran into some very good friends that I haven't seen in awhile. A pleasant surprise. It was nice to catch up and exchange a few hugs. Michelle might have mentioned that they keep up with my blogs. Hi Scarlet!!!!!!! :)
Christmas morning!!!!! Again I wake up with sweet Gretel at my side, snorin away. She doesn't realize what day it is. I walk into the den and Grandma's already there, watching this years Living Christmas Tree with Dad. Stockings are always the first thing to be opened and boy was mine stuffed with all kinds of goodies! I gave Dad the Little Red Truck dvd which is a documentary about what I do. I think he now understands a little better what my job entails. :) I also got him a few other things, a bunch of guy movies like "Thor" and some clothes, a hat, and a few giftcards. I got a few awesome things too. Let me just say I HATE IT when boxes are taped up on the side. Justin and Tania sent me a Christmas gift and it was soooo taped up. I'm SURE Justin had something to do with it. Anyway some of my favorite gifts were Walmart giftcards (groceries for on the road!), a green coat, ugg boots, and the Breaking Dawn soundtrack.
After all the gifts were opened we headed into the kitchen for Christmas brunch which consists of this egg casserole, biscuits, bacon, leftovers from the day before, and grapefruit. Dad however broke tradish this year. We did not have grapefruit. :( He instead fried up oysters. Yea I know what your thinking, I thought it too. GROSS! I ate some anyway and with a little cocktail sauce it was pretty good. I can deal with this being apart of our new Christmas brunch tradition. We talked to Justin and Tania on the phone (my brother and his wife-they live in Florida) and we got to hear all about their Christmas so that was nice. Later that night Dad and I went and saw the new Mission Impossible movie. Eh it wasn't bad, typical guy movie.
At the risk of sounding cheesy.
What I loved best about Christmas wasn't all the gifts or the traditions. It was spending time with my family. :)
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