Hi Friends!

Ok so don't be mad at me. I KNOW these blogs are LONG overdue but I have been so busy lately, you can't even imagine. Also it's been kind of hard to write about Italy because I still have a hard time believing that I was actually there! When people ask me how it was all I can say is that it was beautiful. Then they say "What was? What did you do?". After such a question I would then become speechless and sometimes say something dumb like "Oh you know....stuff." To which said person stares at me in disbelief in my stupidity and lack of knowledge. Whoopsie! Haha!
Anyways picking back up where we left off, Allison was very sweet and picked me up from the airport which come to find out was kind of an ordeal for her. For some reason the subject of how Allison got around town never came up. I guess I assumed that the people she worked for provided her with some kind of vehicle to get around town. Wrong. Allison had to find some way to get to the train station in Turin, get on a train, then take a bus to the airport to come pick me up. That's love.

This also meant that we had to do the same thing on the way back. At the time it didn't seem like it was really a big deal to me, maybe it was the Jet Lag or maybe I was just glad to see my friend that I hadn't seen in about 6 months. Now 6 months may not seem like a big deal to you but Allison and I go waaaaay back. We have been friends since we were in Pre-K together all the way up to our college years. She isn't just my main Gill but she is a true bosom friend and comrade and six months is a long time for us. Luckily for us we had the bus from the airport to the train station and the train ride to catch up on life. :)

We then were picked up by Allison's neighbor who was this very sweet elderly lady that I had read about in Allison's blog. (This lady showed Allison how to make real Italian ravioli.) That was one thing that was kind of neat and weird at the same time. I had read all about these places and people Allison knew and it was neat/weird to experience it all myself. I felt like I was intruding on her life. Allison then showed me where she lived and it was this cute little apartment she had upstairs. The family she worked for lived downstairs. I noticed that there was Marble everywhere! In America, having hard wood floors is a big deal but in Italy everyone has to have marble....everywhere! I just kept thinking of that one SNL skit with Scarlett Johanson and how they talked about the "Marble Column's". My friends and I quote that a lot.
Don't judge us.

Allison told me to stay put and to relax a bit while she went a picked up Mattia from school. Apparently his school was just down the block. Mattia is the little boy Allison watches and he's one of the coolest kids ever. He's picked up some of Allison's traits and it was always cute to hear him call Allison's name in his little Italian accent. Teehee! When they got back we all played games while we waited for Mattia's parents to come home. These games might have consisted of us three running around like little idiots squealing and being weird. Haha! When Mattia's parent's finally arrived home we sat down to a lovely dinner that was prepared by Allison and from this point on I was lost. There was alot of moments on this trip where I felt like I was in a movie. There I was eating but yet all I could hear was a blur of meshed up syllables and sounds that I assumed were words. What did I do? I ate my meal peacefully and smiled and nodded like I knew what was going on like an idiot. Haha!

After dinner Allison and I were instucted to pack our bags because the next day we were all heading to Prato Nevosa were Simona (Mattia's Mom) works as a ski instuctor. The Dad who works there too was taking our bags up there first thing in the morning. So Allison and I packed and then even had a little skype date with another little idiot named Shaun Ervin. Then it was off to bed for this Gill.
It had been a long day for sure and it was only day one!
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