Hi Friends,
It's hard to believe that Fall Tour is almost over! Loretta and I have officially been doing this job for 6 months almost 7 months! It's so weird to think how time flies but just because we've been doing this for a while don't think that we have this job down perfectly. If you've been reading my blogs you know that there is ALWAYS room for improvement and you should be ready for just about anything. Well our week in Bellingham, Wa and the week I'm doing right now in Lapwai, Id has yet again proven that. Actually, Lapwai seems to fall under that better than Bellingham BUT you'll just have to wait and find out why later.

Bellingham was a really fun week. We actually had a cast of about 35 rather than our normally 60 and they were really young so that was an interesting twist. The knights had a really difficult time remembering all their lines but to be fair they have a lot to memorize. We also had an issue with our rehearsal spaces being taken over by a different group every night: a Bible study, the youth group, the boys scouts etc. Our contact was unaware of these prior engagements so it really wasn't her fault. Loretta and I also had a CRAZY day that week where we had to do laundry, call in, put up the set, do an assembly, set up costumes, and have dinner with Loretta's homestay. We didn't plan to do it all in one day, the fates were against us. It was a LONG day to say the least. The show did come together at the end of the week, the cast may or may not have followed the script but hey who needs scripts! Oh wait...... I had to pull out a little Improv to keep the show going. I'M A PROFESSIONAL! Ha!

Despite all that I was feeling pretty good about our week. My homestay was sooooooo awesome. They lived in this big expensive house on top of a hill and had this BEAUTIFUL view looking over the lake. You could see Canada from their house. At night the view was breathtaking with all the houses lit up and the stars.....I just wish my camera could've have captured it. I tried to take pictures but they never did do it justice. I think it might have been one of those sights that you had to experience yourself. They also had a zoo, a big dog (Gordon), a cat (Johnson but I called him Mr. Johnson), and TWO parrots (Moe and Edna). Moe was very territorial and mean so I didn't play with him but Edna was this pretty little African bird that I just loved. I felt like a Disney Princess when she flew to my hand. Mr. Johnson was also a highlight. He LOVED me. He followed me everywhere! He would scratch on my door at night, walk beside me, hop up on the counter when I did my makeup in the morning and even slept on my bed a couple nights. Granted he was not my precious minature schnauzer, Gretel back home but he helped. :)

Another fun thing about Bellingham was I got to go to a Lyrical/Ballet Dance class! I was so excited and I had so much fun! I haven't been to a dance class since last spring and my heart misses dancing freely more than I could ever express. Dancing in a hotel room can be fun but theres never enough space or mirrors. Not very accomodating if you ask me. I feel confined. :( Loretta and I also went to an Improv show performed by the Dead Parrots Society at the Western Washington University. I. Have. Never. Laughed. So. Hard. At one point Loretta and I were both in tears holding our stomachs, it was great. Our friend Jordan told us about them because he used to be in it when he went to college there. He also gave us a few tips on things to do. He however did NOT mention that the Starbucks guy was really cute. We went there every day and everyone there (Girls and Guys) were sooooo friendly! Friendliest Starbucks I've ever been too. Although, if you work at a Coffee Franchise then you should be "perky". Its like an oxymoron if your not; I feel the same about angry gays and skinny chefs. Think about it, "Gay" used to mean happy so someone who is gay shouldn't be angry. A chef should never be skinny, he/she needs to test their food to make sure it tastes good and if their skinny then I don't trust that their food is all that great. Just a theory.

On Sunday as Loretta and I were leaving and headed towards Lapwai, Id we drove through Seattle once again, my 3rd time, and met up with Drew and Sara who are TAD's as well. Seriously, it is so nice to meet up with other TADs on the road, especially the ones we've ran into so far. They are each wonderful people with such fun loving spirits. Drew, Sara, Loretta, and I went back to the Public Market and strolled around. I tried my first ever Bubble Tea and Salmon Piroshky. I didn't think too much of the Bubble Tea. Its basically a smoothie with little balls of tapioca in it. A Piroshky is a Russian dish that is made at a bakery. I originally wanted the spinach and cheese one but Drew told me I just HAD to try the salmon and cream cheese one so I did and it was DELISH! I would get another one right now if I could. When it comes to food I'll at least try it before I decided I don't like it. People who immediately think that some kind of food is gross just by looking at it annoy me. JUST TRY IT, then decide! Anyways, I digress, it was a good week in Burlington. On the way to Lapwai we ran into some traffic and were at a stand still for an hour. Not a good start for our week BUT we made a video.
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