Spending Easter Sunday on the road was very weird for me. Normally on Easter morning I wake up and I find on the kitchen table a small Easter basket filled with reese eggs (and probably a cd) with a sweet Hallmark card from my Dad. He's very thoughtful. :) He and I then head to church at Thomas Road and then have lunch at my Grandma's. Oh what I would give for some home cooking right now! Not this Easter. This Easter Loretta and I were headed to Lisbon, Nd. No Easter card from Dad or a cute little Easter dress to wear and no Easter celebration, it was kind of sad. Before we headed to Lisbon we had to make a quick stop at Walgreens and I thought, well we may not be able to praise the risen Savior today but we're at least gonna eat some Easter candy!!!!!!
For our week in Lisbon we were staying with an elderly couple who were very sweet. We had the whole basement to ourselves which was nice to have our privacy but tour has changed my mind about basements. I used to think they were really cool and nice to have extra space or a game room but not anymore. When I think of basements now the first word that pops in my head is "dungeon". I'm not saying this because of our stay in Lisbon at all but the basements we mostly have stayed in don't have windows so we never see the sun and the temperature is always cold down there. In other words, they're dungeons. Sorry I just had to say that. Anyway, as I was bringing my luggage downstairs, I overheard Loretta talking to our homestay. I knew I was in trouble because all I heard was Loretta saying, "Jen LOVES dolls!"
Oh no.
I thought I already met my "doll room" quota for tour.
I walk in the room and there were dolls EVERYWHERE! I thought the doll room in Wibaux was bad but it was nothing compared to this room in Lisbon. An entire wall was being taken up by this clear cabinet with rows and rows full of porcelain dolls and vintage dolls. It was terrifying and hilarious. There was one doll that really did kind of creep me out. It was a really old wood doll and it's face was all scratched up. This wood doll hung up on the wall which made it look like it was levitating and it was right beside my bed that had doll sheets. Our homestay then decided to pull out every single doll she owned and then show them to me. She even showed me some of the ones she put in storage (in the closet and under the bed) that she took down because she didn't want me to feel overwhelmed by them all. I think she was showing me all of these so I would invite her to come down and play dolls with me.
Not happening.
I made a video and put it up on my youtube channel (Team JeLo) because one picture just would not have done it justice.
Also during our week in Lisbon, it finally happend. Loretta has been really wanting to have a super small cast all year so we could see what challenges that would bring for us to overcome; I was ok with either. That week rather than having our typical 60 member cast we had 16 cast members. Big difference. We decided to not have Camelotians or Squires, to have 3 Damsels and have the regular Super Six (Big King Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot, Merlin, Talisien, and Raven) say the Mini's part instead of having actual Minis. This was so much fun! With the cast being really small we got to connect with them a lot better than if we had 40 some more in the show. The kids were young that week but they were so talented. We had these two brothers (Lancelot and Mordred) and they kept Loretta and I laughing the whole time at rehearsals. They were awesome and so energetic but so was the rest of the cast. Since the cast was so small, Loretta got to perform as the sarcastic Damsel of the 2nd Order. It was a lot of fun to perform with her as the Keeper.
The place we were performing at was called the Lisbon Opera House and it was built in the late 1890's. One of the cooler places we've performed on the road. It was very old and the were in the process of fixing it up but were trying to keep as close to what originally was as possible. I just liked walking around and looking at all the old wood and patterns on the ceiling. I love theatres that have a bit of history behind them.The theatre just so happend to be right across the street from this cafe called "Hodenattes". (The title is a combination of Home, Garden, and Lattes because it was a place that sold all three.) It was really cute and had so many neat trinkets. I always got the Carmel Frappicino which was probably a terrible decision but I was ok with that since I got the Veggie sandwhich. That sandwich was AWESOME! I love Veggie sandwiches.
Something else that was fun for us that week was we got a little site visit from Micheal McGill who writes a lot of the shows for Missoula Children's Theatre. He wrote King Arthur's Quest so no pressure. He actually showed up to our rehearsal just as it ended but I feel sure he would've been happy with what we did with the show with the amount we had audition. He then took us out to dinner and we caught up and shared stories. He is seriously one of the sweetest people at MCT and I just adore him. Whenever we would go to Check In he would alway get up in front of everyone and tell us how much he was so thankful for us out on the road and how we're making a difference. He's very encouraging. It was a very encouraging dinner that night. I've said it once and I'll say it again, I love my job. :)