Thursday, August 18, 2011

"We have the COOLEST jobs..."

Hi Friends!!!
I hope your all doing well, Loretta and I are having so much fun on the road but we def miss our friends and family BUT thats just how it goes. We'll be home soon enough before Fall Tour so that will def be nice. :)
Last week we were in Killeen, Texas at the Vive Les Arts Theatre and we both agreed that it was the best performance space we've had so far. We walked in on Sunday to meet our Contact and they were having auditions for Sound of Music which kinda made me miss auditioning but then I thought, "I got a job!" so that helped. haha! Anyways, Loretta and I both looked at each other after walking in the theatre Lobby, which was decked out with colors and fun chandeliers, and said "Is this a Professional Theatre Company???". It wasn't though, just an extremely nice Community Theatre. Not too shabby. :)

I could tell that this was going to be a really fun week when right as the kids were walking onstage for the auditions a little chubby girl with glasses said we couldn't start the audition because her mom hadn't brought her her "audition dress". I thought "Ohhh no! One of THOSE!" but thankfully I was wrong. Her audition dress was a shiny green Renaissance dress. HAHA! I LOVE IT! Later in the week, this kid gave Loretta and I each two of her Hello Kitty figurines. Big. Deal. The next day I noticed that no one was sitting with this same kid at lunch so I went and sat beside her. She noticed my Disney Princess Lunchox and she started talking to me about her favorite Princess-Rapunzel. Don't judge my lunchbox, its a great conversation starter with the kids esp the shy ones annnnnd I like it. She then said that she didn't like all the violence in Tangled (there is none haha!) but that her favorite play was Romeo and Juliet. ( HA! Def Violence in that!) I asked her why that was her favorite play and she said that she just liked the "kissing" part. My response: "Why's that Esther?". Esther: "Thats the most magical, important, special moment in stories! I'm a romantic and I can't wait until I have that moment in my life". SHE'S TEN and yet I thought, "Girl. I undastand." hahaha! I wonder what she thinks about Twilight? UGH! I should've asked! NOW I'LL NEVER KNOW!!!!

Esther was def one of the kids that made last week special. On the day of costumes one of the Knights came up to me and said someone was behind the set crying so I went to see who it was and it was Esther. I brought her out and started talking to her and come to find out she thought the Red Squire was making fun of her/talking bad about her in the dressing room. She said she felt like the cast didn't "love" her. I then stood up and got the entire cast's attention (even the Red Squire) and got them all to cheer for Esther and tell her how awesome she looked in her costume. They even applauded for her. The way her face lite up made my summer. Some days out on the road are rough but moments like that make everything worth it. She was soooo happy and I feel like that moment made her week with Missoula. : D Another fun thing about that week was they actually filmed the performance and they gave me a free DVD of it so now I can give it to my Dad and he can actually see my show. He hasn't been able to see it since we've been in Texas practically all summer and then in this upcoming Fall Tour I'll be in Washington and Idaho so at least he can see it on DVD. :)

Last week was also the most fun Loretta and I have had with the kids too. We're both finally at the place where we don't have to think about what we're doing and can just have fun at rehearsals and auditions. Great timing, right before the end of our summer tour. Well better late than never.  haha! We also got to meet up with Eli and Drew again, they're stalking us and they came over to our apt (Yep we had an apartment that week NOT a hotel or homestay which was awesome!) for laughs and making music videos. Loretta and I love doing that. Now Loretta and I are staying at a hotel on an Air Force Base. The MEN here are sooo nice. I wonder why? haha! I'll give you more det's in my next blog. The suspense is killing you I know. :)

PS: Loretta and I did three workshops in Killeen and in the "Actor's Tools" workshop we actually begin by saying "We have the COOLEST jobs..." so that's where this blog title came from. Plus, its true.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Hey Friends!

Ok so last week was an interesting and fun week. Loretta and I were in Coppell, Texas and we each had a homestay where we stayed in one of the cast members home for the week with their family. Overall I had a lot of fun. Don't get me wrong, there were def some awkward moments with my family but I still had fun. The family I stayed with was all into the "organic" and protein types of food so that made meals interesting. They told me when I arrived that I could help myself to whatever was in the fridge or pantry and needless to say the only thing I recognized was a jar of peanut butter. I had breakfast with them just about every morning and I didn't realize that there were so many different ways to fix eggs. Now I know. :) One night I came home and the girls where having a slumber party so we all sat up and talked about 3 of my most favorite topics: Mermaids, Disney Princesses and BOYS! EEEEE!!!!!
I usually had dinner with the Olivas family (Loretta's homestay) and they were sooooo nice and friendly! They were so very welcoming to Loretta and I and always greeted us with warm smiles and hugs. We felt right at home. After the shows on Saturday, the Olivas family took Loretta and I out for dinner and frozen yogurt and then afterward we watched Toy Story 3 at their BEAUTIFUL home. I'd say an overall good day. :)
The kids for that week all did great and our Contact was EXTREMELY helpful to Loretta and I. She was a very nice lady. The kids had actually worked with Eli and Drew a week or two before we showed up so they were very familiar with how we ran rehearsals and the overall process so that was good. I felt bad for the girl playing Taliesin though. The day before the show she had to get braces and was having a hard time talking without mushing up the sounds of her words because her teeth hurt. Poor little Bear. :( But come show day she did a great job! Loretta and I also got a little card from our TAD BFF's: Cayce and Carrie. The card was so sweet and we spent the week working on a little somethin somethin for them. Pictures will come later once they get their package. I don't wanna spoil the surprise.
Loretta and I kind of layed low this past week because we had just had a week off and did all these fun and exciting things and this was really a week where we had to get our minds focused back on work. It wasn't too difficult, we like our jobs. What was exciting for me was I got a camera for my computer and now have a skype account so I can video chat or just chat with friends. It's SOOOOO cool!!!!! Not only do I get to talk to my friends but I actually get to see their faces!!!!! If you have a skype name message me and I'll add you!
Another cool thing about last week was one of my dearest and most sweetest gill's got ENGAGED! It was a process. Everyday Micah's beu would leave a special gift in her room (which we still can't figure out how he got into her apt in the first place) and they would gradually get more grand everyday. On Friday she came into her room and found a special note telling her to meet him where they had their first date, and the rest you can figure out. (SIGH) I wish I was there though to hug her and be excited with her but the summer tour will be over soon and I'll be home on the 25th. I'll hug her then! She asked me to be one of her bridesmaids and it just warmed my heart. She told me the other day that the date is set for May 19th and I really hope that my contract ends before then so I can participate in my Gill's most wonderful day. I'll def be praying for that. So until next time friends.....

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm a girl. I like to shop, tan, and dance.

Hey Friends!
So last week was sooo much fun! Loretta and I actually had an unbooked week which meant VACATION! We stayed in the North Richland Hills area because we got this awesome deal on our hotel. Like "we each got a $200 dollar discount" awesome deal. I love those kind of deals. We started the week off right by going to a local church and worshipping the Loyd (rem us Gills don't like to say our "R's"). It was def long overdue. However, it was one of those small churches where everyone knows everyone and the preacher knew Loretta and I where new so needless to say we later giggled about how he STARED us down during the invitation at the end. We thought, "Nope we're good. Got Jesus in my heart" and on my Neck-A-Lace..S S S" haha oh Ke$ha. We also ended that night right with a "Girls night" which included Dominos Pizza, fingernail polish, blogs, and ABC Family showing a Harry Potter movie.

The next day Loretta and I slept in which was so nice. I'm actually getting to the place where "sleeping in" is sleeping until 8am. I'm an adult. Oh well I guess I get more done and don't waste the day. Wait. My Grandma says that. UGH! I'm not just an adult I'm Old-Old. WORSTIES! Anyways Loretta and I spent the day shopping. We went to Walmart and bought goggles and pool floaties. Awesome decision. We also went to Platos closet and bought what we considered to be really trashy outfits for clubbin later that week. We also went to Panera Bread for lunch; Loretta loves Panera just as much as I do. Can I just say I LOVE my Tour Partner. After our afternoon outing we layed out by the pool and I got to use my new Dora the Explorer goggles. Now I can Explora with Dora. Hahaha! I'm so clever. I also talked with two of my Gills: Micah and Allison on the phone. I just love them. :)

Wednesday, Loretta and I went to a bunch of thrift stores (I love that kind of stuff) looking for some cowgirl boots for Loretta. Unsucessful. However, that night I had a date. I haven't seen my wonderful friend Kayla in soooo long! She and I both did theatre together in college but our senior year she took off and married the love of her life and finished up with the Distance Learning Program. All she had left was an english class or two. Anyways, I met up with her and her husband Jordan in Polin, Texas for Mexican food and "Yogurtville" which is basically a "Sweet Frog" fellow Lynchburgians. They were so sweet and paid for my meals and were like "GILL! Your family!". (Sigh)  That was a very nice gesture. We also hung out a little bit at their apt discussing theatre, life, and basically just catching up. Kayla and I both love the show "Wicked" and needless to say I belted the soundtrack the whole way home just for Kay. Best date EVER! Spending time with Kayla was LONG overdue. She is a delightful breath of fresh air.

Thursday was another fun day. Loretta and I went to the local mall which was HUGE looking for cowgirl boots. Success. The reason we were looking for them so bad was because One: We're in Texas, it's the culture. Two: We were going Line Dancing that night!!!!!! We went to The World's Largest Honky Tonk which also held The World's Largest Belt Buckle. My wonderful friend Ray, whom I also did theatre with in college, joined us! Ray is the most friendliest person ever! His laughter is so contagious! He is also a wonderful dancer so this seemed PERFECT! We all learned a line dance or two and then we really let loose. Ray and I may have tap danced, tangoed, waltzed and generally goofed around all over the floor. I got a video but Loretta took more. As soon as we can figure out how to get those on my computer, facebook videos WILL, I reapeat, WILL be posted for your entertainment. That night was so much fun, I just LOVE dancing! So thats two checks on my list for seeing two of  "The World's Largest ____" and a check for Line Dancing.

Friday night was the big night of the week. Loretta and I just relaxed all day swam in the pool and tanned our little pale bodies. That night though we dressed up in our Platos closet, sequins dresses and went to downtown Dallas for some clubbin. I thought I dressed up really aweful, 80's even but then I realized that that style is coming back and I actually looked pretty. It's my cross to bear I guess. HA! Kidding! We went to this club called Plush and it was sooooo cool! It had two levels, Gogo dancers, Poles for pole dancing, and fun music. What-what! Loretta and I have never been so complimented on our outfits before! Literally we walked in the door and people would stop us and tell us how much they loved our outfit/style. Needless to say Loretta and I made a lot of friends that night. I met this guy named Xavier! WHAT?!?! The only Xavier I know of is an X-men. THIS Xavier was an X-men fraud. Loretta and I had so much fun that night and I think it is safe to say that it goes down in my book for one of the most fun nights while on the road.

We've kind of been thinking that we will never see these people again and it WILL make an interesting story in the morning. So far we haven't regretted this. So Sat I REALLY slept in, we didn't get back until around 6am, you know with all that dancing and a late or shall I say earlier McDonald's run, so I don't feel bad. I watched Clash of the Titans on HBO. Ehhh, now I know. Our friends Eli and Drew were coming back through our area so we met up with them for a late dinner at Dennys where we laughed at each other and shared stories about each of our weeks. It was so nice just to take a week to relax. I think it was really good for Loretta and I, we had a lot of partner bonding while shopping during the days and dancing away the nights. :)